How to Educate a Lazy Child to Learn

How to Educate Lazy Children To Learn – In this article Badrul Mozila will share experiences on how to educate lazy children in learning. Actually, this complaint is widely questioned by parents whose children tend to be lazy in learning.

On average they have elementary school-aged children between grades 1 to grade 3, not many classes above them. In solving this one case, we can take from the subject first. Causes of Lazy Children To Learn In General Why Lazy Children Learn

But before we get into how to educate children who are lazy to learn, it would be better for you to know in advance the causes of lazy children to learn. Well here Badrul Mozila found some of the causes of lazy children learning from reliable sources.

  • Fatigue: Learning certainly requires energy, so it's natural that children who are exhausted due to a lot of activities become lazy to learn
  • Gadget Addiction: Maybe the reason for lazy children to learn this one, experienced by all children in the current era. Addicted to playing games, social media, watching videos, youtube can certainly make children so lazy to learn
  • Uncomfortable with the learning environment
  • Not interested in lessons
  • So how the hell to educate lazy children to learn well and right? Let's see more about this article. How to Educate Lazy Children How to Educate Lazy Children to Learn

    To make it easier to find solutions, we use theory in child development or psychology. In psychology there is the theory of Nativism and Emperism. Nativism itself is a child development based on internal influences, namely the offspring of the father and mother. While the theory of emporism is a child development based on the influence of the environment that makes it.

    In this case I will try to use the theory of both to collaborate between the two theories. For that, check out this article on How to Educate Lazy Children to Learn properly more. How to Educate Lazy Children to Learn Based on Nativism Theory

    As I mentioned before, this theory is one of the theories used in educating children who are lazy to learn. This theory itself imposes on the hereditary aspect. Children act or behave based on "innate" from birth. Another term is the character of the child descending from the father and mother.

    Well if we use this one theory, that the child's behavior decreases from his parents. So what needs to be considered is that we do not need to emphasize the child to act outside the child's habits.

    So that needs to be considered is not to direct children to do bad things or do bad habits. This is because the child will act according to the character he carries since birth. In other words, the character in the child will dominate his environment. The environment will adjust the child. Usually the child's behavior can be seen from his appearance. For example, his clothes, his room, his vehicle, etc. Conclusion of Nativism Theory as a Way to Educate Lazy Children to Learn

    So from here we can draw a conclusion, namely to stimulate or stimulate in educating children do not be too pressured to act something beyond his ability. The goal is that children can develop their personality freely, but still on the road we want. How to Educate Lazy Children to Learn Based on The Theory of Empiricism

    As I mentioned earlier, the theory of empiricism concludes that the behavior or character of children is based on the dominance of influences from outside or the environment. This theory is one of the theories that can be used for how to educate children who are lazy to learn.

    Based on several recommendations from experts, this theory is widely recommended as a reference theory that is easy to apply. If we use the theory of empiricism is very easy that we just process the environment of the child in order to form a good character.

    For example, if the child is lazy to learn, we do not give excessive facilities to the child. If the environment is fulfilled the child will feel relaxed and will not do other actions because his assumptions have been fulfilled. Usually the environment of children who are lazy to learn is the closest that is able to affect, yes family.

    If family conditions are not ideal, it is expected not to force the child to be better. For example, if the family situation is lazy everything then the child will be carried away with the atmosphere. But conversely, if the environment is good, then the child will tend to follow well and excited in doing positive activities. Conclusion of Empiricism Theory as a Way to Educate Lazy Children to Learn

    The conclusion is that the influence of the environment in the formation of child character is more domineering. A child is born into this world like a paper that is still empty, depending on us as parents. How about this blank paper? in what content? So it all depends on how the parents treat it and the medication. Collaboration Theory to Educate Lazy Children to Learn

    These two theories are often referred to as internal and external influences. Considering the behavior and character of children is a mix of offspring and environmental influences.

    Then how to apply these two theories to children who are already lazy in everything? Well, from the problem will arise a conclusion that is called changing the child so as not to be lazy.

    First, look at the character or personality of the child before taking action. If you have concluded that the child has a shy nature for example. It can be concluded that the child is more heavily influenced than the aspect of his offspring. But if the child is confident or more often out of the house then, obviously the child has dominated the influence of his environment.

    Second, make or condition the child's environment so as not to get closer to lazy behavior. This conditioning can start from his family to the outside of the house. Tips to Overcome Lazy Children Learning In GeneralTips To Overcome Lazy Children Learning

    But I will give tips on how to cope with lazy children learning in general from various sources. Here are tips to overcome lazy children to learn in general.

  • Build communication with your child
  • Get to know the child's style when learning to make the child comfortable while learning
  • Guide your child when having difficulty learning
  • Determine a home study schedule as early as possible, so that you get used to learning every day.
  • Appreciate their learning process, don't be disappointed when they get low grades, but motivate them.
  • Cover
  • Do not blame the child if he has a lazy nature, but look first at the management of ourselves and our environment.
  • Try to program to form a child's character in order to have a tough personality.
  • Minimize ourselves to be lazy so as not to be imitated by the child.
  • Train the child from the smallest start, such as throwing garbage in its place.
  • Do not give something to children when it is not yet time, for example elementary school children should not be given a smartphone first.
  • Don't get tired of educating your child to be disciplined.
  • Start paying attention to the child's playing environment, for example the child plays where, with whom.
  • Trying to arrange the child's study room to seem comfortable.
  • Reduce excessive indoor learning accessories so that the child's focus can be maximized.
  • So many badrul mozila articles this time about How to Educate Lazy Children to Learn. Good luck to the readers, especially for those who already have children. May his son be able to study for his own good in the future.

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