How to educate The Prophet PBUH's Son

A reality that we cannot deny today many parents do not pay so much attention to religious education in their children that they live without guidance. In fact, religion provides a complete guide to educating children. Well, through this paper I will give a clear picture of how to educate children ala Rasullulah SAW. May it be an exemplary story that is useful for all of us. Umay Muslim must know that the Prophet (peace be upon him) is an example of muslims around the world who are the most perfect moral people. It is said that he is the Qur'an walking. Every parent wants their child to be a good and educated person. The problem is "How does the Prophet educate his son to be good and true???". Here is an example that may be a role model for all of us. These are the ways of educating children by the Prophet Muhammad(peace be upon him).

When a child is born like a white paper, which can be written with any writing. The role of parents is vital. Because through parents, children will become good human beings or not. The Prophet (peace be upon him), as a plenary example, has provided guidance on how to educate and prepare children. And the most important thing is the rigor in doing the main things. That's what parents have to do. Not just governing and blaming, but more importantly setting concrete examples. Simultaneously it must also be supported by the environment, association, and society.

Islamic education has really focused attention on the wiring of individuals and the formation of islamic personalities. All this was done with the help of Islamic educational institutions in the society in which he lived. And the earliest Islamic educational institutions are parents and families, who act as the first madrassas in an individual's life.
In addition, the mosque, as a religious institution that plays a role in educating individuals in improving the quality of faith in Allah SWT and fostering good behavior in him. Also the school, as an educational institution that plays a role in equipping individuals with skills that must be possessed in this life.

A child runs his whole life in the family environment, so the family is very responsible in teaching children about various kinds of Islamic behavior. Families are also responsible for equipping children with good social educational values.

What must be considered and very important in the life of children is aqidah education, then religious education, worship education, and akhlaq education. It is very important to be taught to children that the best of human beings are those who have a noble akhlaq. And it's also supported by the examples they find within families and neighborhoods.

Every Muslim child should be taught to always be good, such as good attitude, trust, sincerity, patience, honesty, tawadhu, shame, counseling each other, being just, building silaturahim, keeping promises, prioritizing the interests of others, being self-righteous, and forgiving.

Good Akhlaq is the basic foundation in the teachings of Islam. And good deeds are obtained by striving to purify the soul, directing it to do, and to abstain from sinful deeds and deeds. Therefore the act of worship is nothing but a means to achieve good deeds. In this case the Prophet (peace be upon him) is the best example, the perfect example, the afterlife.

Allah swt says; "And indeed you are truly of great character." (QS Al Qalam:4).

The Prophet said; "I was sent to perfect the akhlaq." (Al-Bukhari).

• Ihsan
Ihsan is the deed of man in carrying out all his worship properly and carrying it out properly. The act of ihsan is also found in the form of interaction with whoever is a creature of Allah SWT. Ihsan has several understandings: Earnest in learning and professional in work. Retaliating against the bad of those who are wrong with kindness or accepting an apology from them. Stay away from revenge behavior and harbor anger (Every protégé must learn to forgive others and give good advice with wisdom). Following in the footsteps of the Prophet (peace be upon him) in having high moral values and making it a prime example in this life.

As Allah says, "Allah has commanded you to be just and do good, give to relatives, and Allah forbids you from heinous acts, hypocrisy, and hostility. He taught you so that you could learn." (OS An-Nahl: 90).

The Prophet (saw) also said, "Allah has obliged to do balk in various things. If you kill, kill in a good way. And if you slaughter, slaughter in a good way. Let one of you sharpen his blade in killing his slaughter animal." (Muslim).

• Trust
Trust is to convey rights to those who have them without stalling. Trust in the world of science means learning diligently and diligently, while the attitude of trust in interacting with fellow humans is to keep their secrets.
Before the Prophet became a prophet, the Jahiliyah people who lived around the Prophet always nicknamed him with the words of Al-Amin, "a trusted person". That is because the apostles did have a trustworthy attitude, as well as the servants of God who were sedated.

Allah (SWT) said in Surah An-Nisa, "Allah has commanded you to convey the trust to those who deserve it."

The Prophet said, "Be trustworthy to those who trust you, and do not betray those who betray you." (Hr Daraquthni).

• Sincere
A child must be taught to be sincere, both in carrying out his work and the learning process. All of this they must do with sincerity, in order to get the pleasure of Allah SWT. Do not let the act be based on hypocrisy, riya', or just get praise from people.

• Patience
A child must learn that patience is getting something that is not favored with an airy soul and not with anger or complaint. Patience can be manifested through attitude, both in carrying out worship and muamalah, and abstaining from sinful and sinful deeds.

Therefore, a patient convert will accept bad things and torments against him with a patient attitude.

Allah (SWT) said, "O you who believe, be patient and strengthen your patience, and remain prepared at the borders of your land and fear Allah so that you may be lucky." (QS Ali Imran: 200).

In another verse Allah (SWT) says, "Only those who are patient are rewarded without limits." (QS Az-Zumar: 10).

The Prophet said, "How amazing is the matter of believers, all their things are good, and it is not obtained except by the faithful. When he gets happiness, he will be grateful and that is the best thing for him. When he is afflicted with sorrow, he will be patient and that is best for him." (Muslim).

• Honest
In practicing worship, muamalah, both in the form of words and deeds, a convert should be honest, just to expect the pleasure of Allah SWT.

A child should be taught to be honest, both in his words and deeds, so that every utterance that comes out of his mouth is in accordance with the reality. Do not lie in front of others, because the nature of lying is a characteristic of hypocrites.

Honest nature will bring blessings in rizqi and can help a person to achieve a peaceful conscience and a peaceful soul.

Allah (SWT) said in the Qur'an, "Among those believers there are those who keep what they promised Allah, and among them there are those who died. And some of them were waiting, and they did not change their promises." (QS AlAhzab: 23).


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