Do it before it's too late! – NOVRIADI

Educating a child's character is the most difficult job. There are no clear books or sources on how to educate children. Each child is equipped with a different way of receiving teachings. You as a mother must be smart and precise in choosing how to educate that is good for the child. If wrong, the child will grow into a hard person and can even have deviant behavior.

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Sometimes, a hard upbringing makes the child as expected and not always a gentle upbringing makes the child a submissive person. There are some cases of children experiencing a rough upbringing and when he grew up, he became a person who understood the situation. There is also a child who experiences a gentle upbringing but when he is growing up, he has deviant behavior.

Here, we give tips in educating children to have good character. Check out the article and try applying it to your child. Educating children's character because they set a good example

Children at an early age experience a phase of mimicking. He will do whatever others do. Therefore, you as a parent must set a good example to him as a way of educating the character of children.

If you want your child to be a person who saves diligently, then show him that you are saving. For example, it's like inviting a child to put money in a piggy bank. Be Consistent

Giving a good example cannot be only once or twice and then directly embedded in the child's brain. It's the same as you're training an ability. You need regular exercise, right? So continue to give examples regularly and consistently. Make a habit in your life and your child's.

If you didn't scold your child for their mistakes, keep doing it. If one day you change and get angry, it can make the child's mindset become confused. Don't Spoil the Child

Children are the most valuable treasures for parents. But with this, do not make the method of pampering children as your way of educating the character of children. If your child asks for something, teach him that he will get it when he makes an effort.

A child who always gets what he wants by just capital whining will make him a weak, big-hearted, and desperate person. You don't want this trait to be in your child, do you? Do the Little Thing

Something that you consider small and not too effecty, one day it will be important to apply as a way to educate children' character. For example, the pronunciation of hello, sorry, thank you, and please. In addition to the pronunciation of the word, you also need to teach and set an example about manners or how to speak to good and appropriate parents.

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These little things should be taught early on. If you're a year late, it's all going to be hard. The child begins to be able to resist and think that it doesn't matter. Teach all the little things to your child from an early age. Get used to it in the child's life.

Those are some tips that you can apply in educating children's character. Do these tips from an early age. Do not wait for him to speak because the child's brain can digest all the information since he is a baby. So, make it a habit to do good things in front of him. Don't forget to follow the information from yes. About The Author a personal site that provides new information that you can know and you can directly see, read and understand the content of the article. And hopefully useful and provide new information results.


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