12 Ways to Educate Children Aged 6 Years and Above - CintaLia.com

In general, 6-year-olds have entered the elementary school age stage. At this age the child has separated from toddlerhood and usually has completed basic education. 6-year-olds have also developed physically to have body proportions like adults. This makes his motor skills also increasingly developed, so his body already has the ability to do more complex physical activities such as sports, gymnastics, dancing, and others.

The development of children's imagination at this age will also be faster, because he can already understand the concept of time. Also start to be able to learn simple numeracy concepts as well as reading. Parents will have to adjust the child's development by educating him to fit what is needed by the child. Therefore, how to educate children aged 6 years and above are:

1. Control the child's development

Parents must control every stage of the child's development, both cognitive and physical, as well as the child's emotional so that the child's mental development health can be maintained. If necessary, discuss the child's development with his teacher in school, so that parents can also know how the child's development in school as well. That way parents can know how to educate the right child.

2. Establish intense communication with children

At the age of 6 years and above the intense communication with children will be increasingly important as a way to educate a good child. Along with increasing the child's understanding of himself and his environment, he will increasingly need smooth communication with his parents. At this time it is likely that the child will have many questions that he will look for answers, this is where the point of communication with parents. Communication can also be one good way in how to educate a 5-year-old and a way to reprimand the right child.

3. Give children confidence little by little

Currently, 6-year-olds can start learning to train their independence. Maybe you have a parent who is overprotective of the child. However, it is very important to start giving freedom to the child and give him the confidence to start self-learning. For example, get used to children to sleep alone, eat alone, even wear their own clothes and learn to bathe on their own.

In order to learn for children to be more independent, parents can encourage children to try various things so that they can develop their personality. For example, encourage him to dare to appear in public such as singing during art lessons at school. Encourage children to dare to speak and express their feelings, also give help if the child has difficulty doing something.

5. Teach children to appreciate time

Because 6-year-olds can already recognize the concept of time, then you as a parent can also start teaching children to be disciplined and value time. For example, teach your child to be on time when he wakes up, goes to school and goes home. Also keep his other schedules at home and after school. By appreciating time, children will also learn how to appreciate others.

When the imagination of children has developed, parents need to facilitate it so that children have healthy creative power. You can channel the interests and talents of children so that their creativity is directed. For example, give your child music lessons, drawing, painting, cooking or something else. Make sure that your child approves the activity before you register it. Adjust activities to the child's personality.

Social skills are very important for children to learn. When the child begins to realize themselves and the surrounding environment, then it is a sign for you to start getting used to the child getting used to hanging out with others in his home environment. If the child is already in school, he will experience interactions with various characters of his friends. Outside of school and home, try to accompany your child when you introduce him or her to a new environment.

8. Emphasize manners to children

It is very important to familiarize children with learning ethics and manners from the beginning. This is part of the child's character education and family education for the child. Teach children how to respect parents and how to maintain the feelings of others, as well as ethics and good manners in association.

9. Introduce their rights and obligations

You can start introducing the child's obligations at home along with the rights that the child has because he has begun to understand it. He was able to realize the role of children in the family. Teach children their obligations starting from small things that you have used from an early age, such as cleaning toys. Give greater responsibility as the child ages and his ability to do more heavy home obligations. For example cleaning his own room and sweeping or mopping the house. It will also teach children to be more independent.

Regardless of the age of the child, they will always imitate. Therefore parents should always set a good example to children so that they can also imitate the good things from parents. Examples of good habits such as apologizing, saying goodbye to parents, speaking in kind words and soft voices, maintaining cleanliness, obeying parents, and also various other things. Introduce religious education in the family to children.

You want your child to be honest with your parents. Therefore, do not get used to lying to children. Always try to say honest things to your child and never make promises that you can't keep, because promises are a sign of trust for a child. Tell your child about the bad effects of lying and emphasize the importance of being honest.

In essence, how to educate girls and how to educate boys aged 6 years is actually the same, only in some aspects parents will need to adjust to the sex of the child. It takes patience and patience of parents to form a positive child character, so that the child can develop his personality well as expected.


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